Completed Middleman Transaction

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  1. Completed Middleman Transaction

  1. Nunyabizz
    The following user completed a successful middleman transaction. If this feedback has been issued by user @middleman then this is a valid feedback.
    The account that this player is trying to sell is fake. This person sent me a picture but the picture was from before the server was changed to the United States central server so the picture sent said United States East and if anybody that has been playing world of tanks for awhile they would know that if it says USE or USW that is the old server from a year ago. Also this person kept on giving excuses why they couldn't send up to date pics and i asked for them to send a screen shot and just marker out the name. So again I got an excuse saying that someone was gonna report this person....Well if you cover up the name in the garage then not one person would know who they are and then I asked to send a pic of the WN8 from wotlabs and again they said they couldn't so this person has many many different accounts for numerous games that are high rating accounts with big things that would take time to get. So there is no way a person has that much time for the number of accounts and number of games this persons trying to sell. So I have no idea how the person is even allowed to try to trade or sell on this site.