Completed Middleman Transaction

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  1. Completed Middleman Transaction

  1. Maktoum
    This guy is a total SCAMMER I've paid him 270 for the galaxy account, Once the three way convo started he released Username and password of the account and messaged me on Discord trying to pressure me into confirming the delivery saying he'll give full access once I confirm delivery. IF ANYONE THINKING OF DEALING WITH HIM DON'T!!!!!! If you do make sure he releases the whole info and NEVER CONFIRM DELIVERY UNLESS you have the email and its password, the username and password, and you've changed the email to yours.

    Thankfully his con didn't work on me and I refunded my money. DON'T TRUST THIS PIECE OF SH*T. I was more than generous and patient with all his BS when i should've just cancelled the order.