Completed Middleman Transaction

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  1. Completed Middleman Transaction

  1. rmzeyzein
    The following user completed a successful middleman transaction. If this feedback has been issued by user @middleman then this is a valid feedback.

    Seller has been attempting to get the game they sold back, attempting to reset passwords and has contacted me asking to have the game traded or sold back. The seller, according to EULA, was not authorized to transfer or sale the game. As a buyer, I was not aware that it was a violation until after the sale had concluded and I downloaded the game. The ELUA does not specifically state, at least that I could see, that its against the license to "buy" the game, but it does specifically state that the license disallows any player to sell or transfer the game.

    If you claim your kid sold the game without your permission, as I read in a recent post from Areus20, the TOS and ELUA specifically state that you are not allowed to give out account information, so if you kid sold it, you have to take responsibility for that.

    At time of purchase, I was told there was NO VIOLATION of ELUA and TOS and I took that at face value, when I now realize I should have looked up the ELUA and TOS myself as for the seller to report on themselves and try to get the game back, only alerts them that they did in fact breach the terms of the license and no-one will get to play the game, as the account will be banned. The seller is typically banned permanently and the buyer typically gets a warning, as they had not agreed to the terms until they had already paid the seller and had not committed themselves to any of the terms until they downloaded the TOS and ELUA terms when installing or launching the game.

    Learning lesson for buyers: If you buy, make sure its not against ELUA or TOS before buying, and if you decide to regardless, just know that the seller could poke around and get the account banned after they have taken your money.

    Learning lesson for sellers: Don't sell games you don't have permission to transfer, and if you do, don't try to get it back - just let it go and forget about it because when you break your license agreement, the person you are selling it ends up being a victim of having paid for something, its like selling a person stolen goods, and the buyer is just out of luck. Be careful.