Selling Selling lvl 71 GL mobius account with Xezat 40$

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by R0mania, 11/29/17.

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  1. R0mania

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    The account has Xezat and a few jobs (some Legendary). The price is 40S with Paypal.

    Also theres another account that i could sell that has Neo Exedeath, High Wind, Soldier 1st and a few more legend and normal jobs for 79$.

    If you want to offer or talk about price, my skype is saint_seya1 .

    I can take a Brave exvius account as trade if the account is not linked to a FB account or if is linked to a Dummy that you are fine giving up as long as the account is decent with TMRs and base 5*
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