Selling Selling Fresh Double Supreme Starter (Yiazmat + Duncan) and Semi-fresh aerith.

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Reflexion, 12/27/17.

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  1. Reflexion

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    Hello, selling 2 Mobius FF Accounts.

    1 account has supreme Duncan + Yiazmat and 2 legend jobs (Judge Magister and Ace Striker). Account completely fresh (chapter 1 until temple and novice hall only played). It has 25 Summon Tickets collected from daily logins.
    Price $100

    1 semifresh account on chapter 5 with Aerith and some jobs. Price $40

    If your interested PM and ask for screenshots.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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