Sold Selling Albion Online Legendary Founder + 63,000 Gold

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lewhawn2015, 5/26/17.

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  1. lewhawn2015

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    Albion Online is in final beta - the release will be Mid-July 2017 and you will receive all the perks of legendary founder renewed + you will receive all the gold renewed (63k).

    The account currently has a T7 healer on it that was only active a couple weeks. The real value will be when the game launches in July because you get everything back from the start.

    I played albion online for a few betas and enjoyed it but I will be away this summer for the July release and can not play during that time - so I am selling my account and all the perks with it. Account is in good standing, no issues.
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